Monday, August 18, 2014


I'm not sure what I want to share this week. There's just so much. I went to Seminar in Providence, Rhode Island at the beginning of this week to be certified as a Zentangle Teacher. I really did not know exactly what to expect since I didn't know anyone personally who has gone through the experience, nor did I already know anyone who would be there.

One conclusion is that this was the most generous conference/seminar experience I have ever had. (Yes, of course I paid for the experience, yet) The hotel accommodations were exceptional (well done  Hotel Providence!), the food was fantastic at every single meal, and the tools, supplies, and resources that were shared with us were well beyond what I would normally expect to receive.

Even beyond that, by the second day it was clear that not only were Rick and Maria there to teach us to draw in a Zentangle way, and to teach us how to teach, but it truly felt like they were welcoming each one of us into their family. That's the only way I can explain the level of generosity and kindness with which they share.

I've spent the two days since arriving home in a bit of a bubble, not sharing too much all at once with Jon because I felt like if I shared too much all at once, the bubble would pop, and the experience would vanish. Now that I've started sharing I realize that the bubble won't vanish but it will grow to encompass everyone with whom I'm able to share Zentangle.

I think that's going to be enough sharing for now. I'm better for having gone and I'm looking forward to sharing what I've learned with others and learning more about Zentangle along the way. Classes coming soon!

(click on the images to see them larger)

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